Usage of Dataset class, the CO molecule as example
In this tutorial, the basics of the Dataset
class are briefly reviewed in a convergence study of the CO molecule, before presenting an example of application where the polarizability tensor \(\alpha\) is computed. It is advised to have done the tutorial on the methane molecule before in order to be familiar with the fundamentals of Dataset
from BigDFT import Datasets as D
from BigDFT import Calculators as C
from BigDFT import Inputfiles as I
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Convergence of the ground state of the CO molecule
In this example, the convergence analysis of the Ground State (GS) energy of the CO molecule is performed with respect to the size of the simulation domain.
First, we instantiate both the calculator and the Dataset objects.
calc = C.SystemCalculator(omp=2,mpi_run='mpirun -np 4',skip=True,verbose=False)
study = D.Dataset(label='CO',run_dir='conv-CO',posinp='',molecule_shape='linear')
The object study
is characterized by its label ‘CO_GS’ and contains the path run_dir
in which all the calculations of the dataset will be performed. The variable molecule_shape
has been introduced to show how further information can be passed to the dataset instances. For reminder, global options can be extracted as follows
{'label': 'CO', 'run_dir': 'conv-CO', 'posinp': '', 'molecule_shape': 'linear'}
Next, the input file is created while essential computational parameters are provided.
# Define the default parameters of the input file
inp = I.Inputfile()
The convergence analysis will be performed on the values of rmult.
We prepare the study for the convergence analysis by appending the run associated to the values of rmult. Each run is characterized by an id
and contains the InputFile
object as input as well as the runner used to perform the calculation. If the same id
is provided more than once, the function gives a Value Error
rmult = [5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0]
for r in rmult:
The following member of the Dataset
class shows how to refer to the various calculation of study
[{'calc': <BigDFT.Calculators.SystemCalculator object at 0x7fab00f522d0>, 'runs': [0, 1, 2, 3]}]
[{'rmult': 5.0}, {'rmult': 6.0}, {'rmult': 7.0}, {'rmult': 8.0}]
A particular instance is accessed by
{'rmult': 7.0}
{'label': 'CO', 'run_dir': 'conv-CO', 'posinp': '', 'molecule_shape': 'linear', 'input': {'dft': {'hgrids': 0.37, 'gnrm_cv': 1e-05, 'rmult': [7.0, 9.0]}, 'lin_general': {'rpnrm_cv': 'default'}, 'mix': {'rpnrm_cv': 'default'}}}
contains a list of strings with the ids of the run. May be useful for labelling.
['rmult__5.0', 'rmult__6.0', 'rmult__7.0', 'rmult__8.0']
The appended simulation can be executed with the run method. The skip=True
in the runner instance guarantees that computation already performed are not executed again.
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.240 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002416237
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.172 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002035260
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.984 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002722207
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.168 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001309965
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.948 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001916676
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.044 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003671661
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.996 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003537731
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.852 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002670475
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.964 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003039964
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.920 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002309739
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.944 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002341033
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.036 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001929867
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.040 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002977071
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.096 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003468013
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.164 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002740734
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.064 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002684471
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
{0: <BigDFT.Logfiles.Logfile at 0x7fab096d15d0>,
1: <BigDFT.Logfiles.Logfile at 0x7fab00f01e10>,
2: <BigDFT.Logfiles.Logfile at 0x7fab0946c290>,
3: <BigDFT.Logfiles.Logfile at 0x7fab00ec2fd0>}
Analyzing the dataset output
The class member study.results
contains a dictionary with the logfiles of the computations performed by the run method, returned in the order of which the append_run
was performed.
results = study.results
Several operation can be performed on the results by using the methods of the Logfile
For example, the total energy w.r.t. the domain size is obtained as
for ci in study.calculators[0]['runs']:
5.0 -21.661153985020135 rmult__5.0
6.0 -21.66134584205134 rmult__6.0
7.0 -21.6613579335895 rmult__7.0
8.0 -21.661359464443258 rmult__8.0
Other useful quantities can be extract using the methods of the Logfile
class, for instance
print(results[0].log['Electric Dipole Moment (AU)'])
[-0.0002296574, -0.0002296574, 0.09288163]
[-1.07897861 -0.5212773 -0.44461433 -0.44461428 -0.33423529]
[5.0, 9.0]
{'P vector': [-0.0002296574, -0.0002296574, 0.09288163], 'norm(P)': 0.0928822004}
dos = results[0].get_dos(label=study.names[0])
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Energy [eV]', ylabel='DoS'>
Alternatively, results associated to specific id and/or attribute can be extracted as follows:
[<BigDFT.Logfiles.Logfile at 0x7fab096d15d0>,
<BigDFT.Logfiles.Logfile at 0x7fab00f01e10>,
<BigDFT.Logfiles.Logfile at 0x7fab0946c290>,
<BigDFT.Logfiles.Logfile at 0x7fab00ec2fd0>]
If an attribute and/or an id is provided, fetch_results
extracts only the wanted results, for instance
print(study.fetch_results({'rmult': 8.0},attribute='energy'))
[-21.661153985020135, -21.66134584205134, -21.6613579335895, -21.661359464443258]
Post processing analysis
It is also possible to define a post-processing function that is passed to the Dataset
instance. This function is called after the run and the output of
and contains the output of the post-processing function. We show some examples.
Extraction of the ground state dipole
def get_dipole(dataset):
dipole = dataset.fetch_results(attribute='dipole')
return dipole
dipole_GS =;
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.188 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002320176
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.116 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001857607
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.880 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002457699
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.920 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001436096
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.136 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001975332
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.192 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002590704
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.024 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.004530220
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.972 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001923389
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.976 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003120294
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.968 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003271214
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.192 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003475566
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.140 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001982148
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.068 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003002721
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.948 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002069531
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.040 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002824836
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.864 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002868074
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
[[-0.0002296574, -0.0002296574, 0.09288163],
[-3.391146e-05, -3.391146e-05, 0.09150228],
[-2.716707e-06, -2.716707e-06, 0.09138863],
[-1.027985e-05, -1.027985e-05, 0.09137423]]
Extraction of the box size
def get_size(dataset): # how to do def get_size(study,unit)
sizes = []
results = dataset.fetch_results()
for calc,res in enumerate(results):
sizes.append(res.log['Sizes of the simulation domain']['AU'])
return sizes
boxsize =;
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.096 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001892042
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.912 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002937710
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.148 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002323018
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.040 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002103268
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.132 MB
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001781993
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 Peak Value (MB): 0.000
#( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.124 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001959716
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.020 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002936658
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.848 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001439685
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.124 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002528723
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.076 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002172121
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.144 MB
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002709484
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.096 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003000579
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.024 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001800861
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.000 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002194757
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.096 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002099085
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file:
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.228 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001375382
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
[[15.54, 15.54, 15.91],
[18.87, 18.87, 18.87],
[21.83, 21.83, 21.83],
[25.16, 25.16, 25.16]]
Computation of the statical polarizability tensor \(\alpha\)
We choose a single value of rmult
, the lowest among the ones computed in the GS analysis for which a satisfactory convergence is obtained. The statical polarizability tensor of the CO molecule is then computed.
ind = 2
print('rmult value : ',study.ids[ind]['rmult'])
rmult value : 7.0
The input file is defined for the statical polarizability computation
inp.set_rmult(coarse=study.ids[ind]['rmult'],fine = 9.0)
{'dft': {'hgrids': 0.37, 'gnrm_cv': 1e-05, 'rmult': [7.0, 9.0]}, 'lin_general': {'rpnrm_cv': 'default'}, 'mix': {'rpnrm_cv': 'default'}}
Next, let us define a dataset (called ef, i.e. electric field) for the computation of \(\alpha\) using an electric field intensity of \(1e^{-2} V/m\), which is assumed compatible with the linear response regime.
intensity = 1.e-2
ef = D.Dataset(label='alpha',run_dir='CO_alpha',posinp='',
for idir,coord in enumerate(['x','y','z']):
efi = np.zeros(3)
efi[idir] = intensity
This yields the following elements in the dataset
[{'id': 'x', 'F': 0.01}, {'id': 'y', 'F': 0.01}, {'id': 'z', 'F': 0.01}]
Lastly, let us write a post-processing function on how to compute \(\alpha\)
def extract_alpha(ef):
alpha_ij isthe i-th component of the vector d-d0,
computed with a field in the j-th direction,
divided for the intensity of the field.
d0 = np.array(ef.get_global_option('d0'));
F = ef.get_global_option('F');
d = ef.fetch_results(attribute='dipole');
alpha = np.mat(np.zeros(9)).reshape(3,3)
for idir in range(3):
alpha[idir] = (np.array(d[idir])-d0)/F
return alpha
alpha =;
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.044 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001600831
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.176 MB
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001526451
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.196 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002919425
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.212 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001484765
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.040 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001618805
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.980 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002415710
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.192 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.003128113
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.980 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001501875
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.208 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002225970
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 12.784 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.001519930
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.152 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002236353
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
<BigDFT> Run already performed, found final file: forces_F__0.01,
Memory Consumption Report:
Tot. No. of Allocations: 0
Tot. No. of Deallocations: 0
Remaining Memory (B): 0
Memory occupation:
Peak Value (MB): 0.000
for the array: null
in the routine: null
Memory Peak of process: 13.208 MB
Walltime since initialization: 00:00:00.002061216
Max No. of dictionaries used: 1127 #( 1052 still in use)
Number of dictionary folders allocated: 1
The polarizability tensor is then
matrix([[ 1.26637417e+01, -2.31315400e-04, 4.23620000e-02],
[-2.31315400e-04, 1.26637417e+01, 4.23620000e-02],
[ 4.21875400e-04, 4.21875400e-04, 1.60751070e+01]])